Finding My Happy
As Featured on Fig Lancaster
My handsome husband: "I can't tell you how much I
love this and how much I missed hearing this"
Me: what? hearing what?
My handsome husband: "you're laughing again, really
I am happy and it feels so, so good. When my husband said this to me, I stopped
for a minute and I thought back. I have had happy moments but it really had
been a while since I naturally just laughed but here I was dancing in my closet
with my 4 year old as she told me stories, like only a 4 year old can and I
was lost in my happy.
This is why you have not heard from me. This is why I have not written a thing. I am happy and I am busy and I am making up for lost time.
I am Bowling!
I am Playing Candy Land
I am Registering my Baby Bean for Kindergarten.
The past 8 months have been challenging and I have kept
my chin up but admittedly, my smile was often forced.
My daughter would tell me stories and I would cuddle her
and I would smile and I would laugh for her, but I was laughing for her. I was
laughing because I knew she needed me to laugh but it didn't come from my heart
because all too often I was distracted and worried and well, just sad.
Finally, I am beginning to feel like myself. I am slowly finding my wit. I am trash talking with my sister during a competitive game of bowling. I am waiting for the snow to melt so that we can finally get outside. I am driving across town in my snow parka, with my windows down and my music loud because it finally hit 50 degrees. I am finding my happy in the contagious smiles of those around me.
No Really, just click the big purple box...see what happens.
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