A New Day In This Crazy Life With My Baby

As promised,  it is Monday morning and I am getting back to business after a much needed week away from blogging.  Of course, like many things in this crazy life with my baby, my plans,  well, they do not always go as planned.  This morning started like that.  There have been so many changes to our life as a family and I was determined to start this day off right. Since the Bean has only been out of daycare for a few weeks, I had plans for finally getting a toddler routine established and well it did not go well.  This Monday turned upside down when after taking almost forty five minutes to get the Bean and I ready to get out the door,  I discovered that my keys were in the diaper bag,  which was in the car,  which was locked.  I stood in the driveway, with the Bean on my hip, looking through the passenger window as I watched my plans for the morning dissolve into thin air.

I trudged back inside,  looking around the house and realized that this might be the very best thing.  After all my morning plans did not include a workout,  a clean kitchen or frankly any of the chores on my list of things to get done.  I got down to business and realized that sometimes the best thing about life with my baby is the precious moments that you don't expect.  I pulled the baskets of laundry into the playroom and as I folded the laundry,  the Bean played peek-a-boo with the articles of clothing that she pulled out of the basket.  It may have taken twice as long to finish folding the laundry,  but the smiles and giggles made it all worth while.  By noon,  I had finished the laundry,  managed to fit in a Pilates workout (with the bean sitting on my stomach through the Hundred) and had taken the Bean for a long walk around town.  I figure that if my keys had not been locked in the car,  I would still be running way behind and would definitely not have fit in a workout.  My new toddler routine may not be off to start I was looking for but like most other lessons learned in life with my baby,  sometimes the greatest moments come when you are least expecting it.  Don't get me wrong,  I will certainly unlock the car  and retrieve those keys within seconds of my husband getting home tonight but being at home today has been an unexpected surprise.


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